Dear Irene,
It’s a lovely image. I find it even more interesting personally, since I have an image of my own which reminds me of this one, essence-wise. But on mine the rock is a hill, and the algae is trees… with fog flowing around them. An entirely different scale.
I love how you managed to keep some of the algae sharp, while the exposure is long enough for getting the sense of flowing water.
One note regarding the shooting parameters - I wonder if with f/29 you still get sharp details (due to diffraction).
In any case, at its current size it looks wonderful.
This is a lovely image. You did a great job of capturing the scene at the peak moment, but also conveying motion. I can almost hear the roar of the ocean.
This is a great image! To me it looks other-worldly like a tropical island being swallowed by the sea - which led me to open it to read more.
The motion is captured great as well as the difficulty in life those plants lead.
How I interact is momentarily holding my breath…. Not being from a coastal or tropical area, my first reaction is almost OMG those trees are getting wiped out! It’s an attention getter for sure! Very nice shot. You definitely captured a moment that not all of us get to see.