The Headless Hawk

I have no idea what made me look at the January 1st 2019 folder from a favorite Wildlife Refuge, but it turned out that it had been foggy all morning that day and I decided to process a couple of the foggy images for fun. This one of a Sharp-shinned Hawk? grooming itself struck my fancy and my funny bone. The missing head really seemed to fit the scene.

Specific Feedback Requested

Anything. I didn’t do much to this besides cropping, noise reduction and a touch of dehaze and brightening of the bird. Oh, and removing two stray branches coming in from the right just above the perch.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 7DII, Sigma 150-600 C @ 600, beanbag on car window, f/11, 1/1250, iso 1250, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped to 4122x2820.


A bit of a Halloween shot. Very moody scene. It is a lovely setting. I might just bring up the shadows on the hawk a bit.

Oddly creepy and fitting.

Frightening and fun at the same time, Dennis. I like the mood.

This is funny, Dennis! It’s such a pretty landscape and then this hawk with no head kind of changes the whole mood! :slight_smile:

Well seen! And he’s framed very nicely by the BG elements.

Very spooky but I like the fog a lot!