The Hunt for Green September

Autumn 2020 - taken 9/28/20 in Crawford Notch NH

The title of this image is a play on my prior post, “The Hunt for Red October”. For some of my autumn images, I like to find early season color where you can make green a significant part of the color scheme. On this drizzly day, I found these two maple trees where the tree on the left was still mostly green, but it had accents of the orange color seen on it’s companion tree to the right.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any critique or comments are welcome, have at it !!!

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Canon 5D MKIV, Canon 70-200mm f4 lens at 111 mm, ISO 400, 1/6 sec at f11


This is really good, Ed. I love the mix of color and the trunks hold the comp together quite nicely. No suggestions here, really well done.

This shows the transition between summer and fall beautifully, Ed. The juxtaposition of the two trees works beautifully as the greens on the left are dense and do not let the viewer see into the forest while the sparseness of the reds on the right give you a little glimpse of what lies beyond. Really nice details and textures in the larger version especially the lichen on the tree bark.

Hey Ed,

The form of the trunks in the composition makes this image for me.

Out of curiosity did you try a B&W rendition of this image?

Ed, with Nathan I like the form and the place of the trunks in the whole composition. And that in combination with the beautiful colors.

As mentioned, Ed, the color here is exquisite. Though I think you can crop off the greens on the left a little bit?

Ed, like other photos of this type in your recent fall images, this one is great. I like seeing the form of the right tree, and the combination of early and full color is nice. I envy your ability to isolate these types of scenes.

I too like the idea of a crop off the left, maybe enough to remove that yellow patch in shadow about 1/3 of the way up, but that is minor.

Hi Ed - Very nice balanced composition and colors. I appreciate your attraction to early season color for the same reason - the green leaves make a nice foil to the riot elsewhere. It’s also beneficial that you were shooting from a similar elevation rather than focusing upward. Nice work!

This image would also make a nice square image or 4x5 crop from the right.