The Joker

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is Tafoni photographed a couple of years ago on a return trip from Washington to see my daughter. There is a very cool section of rocks on the California coast where I decided to spend a few hours trying my luck at photographing these rocks. I noticed right away that I would have to stack images to get everything sharp as Tafoni doesn’t typically have a flat surface. The weather was cloudy making for the perfect conditions (I needed flat light to make this work). I found it difficult to come up with compositions that made any sense but after a couple of hours I felt like I was starting to get somewhere.
I came across a feature that I thought looked a little bit like the Joker smiling. Not sure if you see that or not but that’s what caught my eye.
Let me know your thoughts on this and if you see anything that could make this different or improve it in any way. Thanks for taking a look.

Specific Feedback

Any and all feedback is appreciated.

Technical Details

Z7, 24-70 @31mm, ISO 100, f/13, 1/15, tripod, 5 image stack for depth of field, manual exposure


Wonderful processing on this image David. The subdued pastel colors work beautifully as do the details and textures in the Tafoni. I remember the Joker as having a scar so yea I can see what originally caught your eye. No suggestions from me as I quite like this abstract landscape.

I suspect I know the general area where this was shot. I don’t believe there is a better area for Tafoni in all of Oregon. I think the color intensity is about right for this subject. It’s about the level the @Lon_Overacker likes to use - not too saturated and not undersaturated. I’m seeing this from a smart phone so my suggestions may not be that accurate. To me the light triangle at the very top is a bit too light. I would burn it in slightly. I also would try to raise the contrast to bring out the texture of the barely noticeable ridges within that triangle. It might enrich the composition.

PS. Now that I see it on a bigger screen I’m not sure. There may just be a focus issue on the upper area. But you say you used a focus stack so that may not be it. I make a deep stack when photographing close up like this.

David, I see a lovely abstract full of texture and gentle colors. I love the composition. I have just one minor thought. The image seems a bit flat in terms of lighting. I downloaded it and played with the lighting. I added light to the center of the frame and dodged just a bit at the upper RC because my eye kept going to the dark area there.

Here is a screenshot of the layers in PS.
Layers in PS

The lightened area is in the screen blend mode at 30% opacity
The burned layer is in the soft light blend mode at 100% opacity

I did not come up with that on my own; it is part of the Tony Kuyper plugin for PS that has these actions. However, it can be done without the TK9 filters.

This is a study of nature that I would like to hang on my wall.

I was unfamiliar with the word tafoni; always nice to learn something new.

This works great for me Dave, a nice close to abstract with interesting lines and features.

Where in WA? I have a daughter in Seattle and another in Vancouver (WA).

Hi John,
My daughter lives in Green Lake just outside of Seattle to the north about 10 miles.
Thanks for your thoughts on the image, John. Next time I’m up in the area it would be great to hook up. I am shooting the bald eagles in June. Where are you in Washington?

That’s great! I have a cousin that lives along Green Lake. My daughter lives a tad north of there between I-5 and Lake Washington.

I live in the southern part of the state just north of Vancouver. Definitely give a shout if you are in this neck of the woods!

My other daughter lives in Portland and works just over the river in Vancouver. My wife and I will be up there seeing both daughters in June this summer. It would be great to spend a day with you.

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