The light at the end of the tunnel w/ repost

Updated version:

Original with tunnel:

Just the trees at the end of the tunnel:
Updated version:


I added the larger view that should have been in the original post.

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is from June while photographing Abiqua Falls with @John_Williams and @David_Haynes. This scene was down river from the falls. The river ran through a tunnel of dark trees, and at the end was this bright scene - ā€œthe light at the end of the tunnelā€.

Specific Feedback

All comments are appreciated.

Technical Details

D850, 16-35 at35mm, f/5, 1/60th sec, ISO 800

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

What draws me to this scene is the contrast of the tree structure with the mass of lovely green. Well done in getting the spring greens just right, so often they come out radioactive in scenes like this. Although you named and described this as a light at the end of the tunnel, thereā€™s no tunnel here. I wonder if in your original, or in this one, there would be a way to recreate that? Maybe a slight vignette? Or even play around with a really strong one? Nice vision though - makes me dream of springā€¦.

Hi @Connie_McClaran ! Iā€™m sharing below a wider view. I would have added it originally but the section to trees in photo above are slightly out of focus.

Thank you for the comments!

1 Like

THATā€™S IT! THATā€™S IT! THATā€™S IT! (IMHO) Now I see the tunnel and I am drawn ever into it. No matter on the out of focus stuff, it helps me slide through the tunnel to what is in focus. Iā€™ve been learning lately about when itā€™s ok to let certain parts of a composition to be soft or even out of focus to draw the eye to the main ā€˜focusā€™. Lovely experience Steve!

Thank you Connie!

Hi Steve,
While I like both images my favorite is the horizontal as it does give me the feeling of peering into a tunnel. The light on the BG trees is exquisite as are the greens throughout the image. The slightly OOF trees do not bother me at all. Beautifully done!

Thanks @Ed_Lowe! That image should have been included originally so I added it at the top. I left it out since the main focus was the bright trees and they are slightly soft, but the title doesnā€™t make sense without it. Thanks for the comments!

Same - Iā€™m a sucker for river views like this so Iā€™m glad you added the wider one. It has nice balance and color. I find it a tad flat though, as if itā€™s over-polarized. When this happens to me Iā€™ll add highlights in globally or sometimes mess with luminosity sliders in the HSL panel. That usually brings the sparkle back. Alsoā€¦am I seeing magenta in the water? Itā€™s early so it might be me. What a tranquil and inviting scene.

Thank you @Kris_Smith for the comments! I have no idea where the magenta in the water came from. I added a new version where I brought both magenta and purple saturation to zero and It did affect the water more than I would have expected. I also made changes to the ā€˜tunnelā€™.

No problem, thatā€™s what weā€™re here for. Sometimes I stare at a picture of mine too long and canā€™t really see it anymore. The rework looks good - thereā€™s a bit more dynamic range and natural shadow and highlight for some zip.

Steve, the ā€œfinalā€ version looks great. The extra contrast helps pull my eyes to the trees in the distance. I think #3 (the vertical) looks interesting also, but itā€™s overly sharpened. The ā€œglowā€ of the moss covered trunks is very attractive.

Thanks @Mark_Seaver for the comments. I agree #3 was over sharpened. I added a new version above.

This came out well Steve! I remember this scene as we began to head back to the trailhead, and love the beauty here. My favorite is the Updated version; it gives a better perspective and brings out the tunnel nicely.

I love the glow at the end of the tunnel in the landscape version, Steve. What a great trip that was and what a great scene. I love the trees on the right as if they are bowing to the trees lit up in golden light. And gold it was. It was the end of the day and that last light was tremendous. You captured it well. I had the same issue with my version (nearly identical to this) with the OOF areas. Too much depth to get everything sharp in one photo. All I can say is that the OOF issue isnā€™t really an issue for me. Itā€™s the all about being enveloped by nature in this beautiful scene. Well captured!!

Thanks @David_Haynes ! It was a great trip, and Iā€™d love to do it again.

@John_Williams , looks like Iā€™m late getting back to you again. Sorry! I appreciate the comments. Letā€™s do another trip soon.

@Steve_Kennedy @John_Williams
Iā€™d love to get together again for a backpacking trip or a couple of days in the PNW. Anywhere works for me. That was certainly fun. Any issues with your camera, Steve? I canā€™t believe that it didnā€™t get damaged when you went for a white water rapids trip down the river without a boat. :slight_smile: