The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
This dahlia variety is named Sweet Nathalie and is known for its formal appearance desired by the cut flower industry. I like the highly ordered arrangement of the petals and the smoky pink color of the petals’ base provide a very unique appearance to this variety. I placed this flower in a cloth light box for diffusing the light and I spent about 20 minutes picking the region of the flower for the photograph.
Specific Feedback
How do you like the lighting on this flower? I decided to use diffused sunlight rather than flash because the flash tends to provide way too much warmth which is very difficult to correct in LightRoom.
Technical Details
Z9 200mm f4 Micro (1/250 sec at f11, ISO=100), 70 image stack (PMax with reduced contrast) Contrast restored in lightroom, bandage tool for dust and speckle removal, full frame. Images acquired with manual focus due to the limited focusing features of this older lens…Jim
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Dahlias sure are popular around here! I like this one for the angle you chose and the subtle colors. Nice job on managing the light in the box, it looks even and without hotspots. Good gradation from the tight petals to the unfurled - both the color and the light work well to show off the forms and textures. Looks like you’re really getting expertise with this challenging flower.
Jim, the colours of the dahlia are sweet and subtle, and the well-defined petals are captured perfectly. I like your chosen comp.
Hope your shoulder is healing up…
Thank you @Kris_Smith , @SandyR-B , and @Diane_Miller . August and September are dahlia months for garden flower photography. I was so tempted to drag this one into the studio, but instead bringing the studio to the dahlia worked very well for maintaining color accuracy…Jim
Jim, your search for the right composition sure paid off. This is brilliant. I see a large print hanging on the wall. Nice work with stacking too. Manual focus? Wow…
Your hard work on this has paid off handsomely Jim. The smoky pink is an amazing color and I can see how it would be so popular for formal occasions. I love that you were able to figure out how to use the diffused sunlight on this.
Thank you @David_Bostock , @Dennis_Plank , and @Ed_Williams . I was thinking about this type of shot all Summer and this flower stood above all the others in the garden…