The Paddel Boarder

What technical feedback would you like if any?

any and all

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

any and all. I did originally have this as a lighter low contrast scene, but I would get lost looking at it, so I tried to layer it a bit and enhance the subject.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
This is a panorama crop of a 4x3 image @ 45mm.

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Hi Matt,

I’m more of a colour photographer than B&W but I would like to see your lighter version fo comparison. I get that you’re going for contrast with the paddle boarder but the tonal transitions in the sky seem a little harsh fo me. That is they appear to go from very dark darks to very bright brights in a short space in the frame and therefore tend to pull my eye to the clouds and away from the SUP boarder.

here is the lighter version. I just don’t think it has as much impact, but let me know what you think.

This is quite a scene. I really like the composition, but I am a little undecided on the processing. I think it depends what you’re going for. The first version feels surreal to me, especially with that much contrast. The second version feels more natural, even though the blue sky looks infra-reddish.

Thanks for the feedback. Maybe this would work . The main thing I battle in this image was that my gear had not acclimated and thus there was a bit of a fog on the lens. So that’s why there really is no detail in the center of the image.

Regarding the two reposts, maybe keep the upper clouds from the first and the surfer from the second? The clouds are so bright that they do steal the eye a bit away from the central focus.