The physical hush

Another shot of the freezing fog we had last week. Oh what a difference a few days makes this time of year. A lot of the snow is gone and there is open water on the river. The geese are back as are the hoodies, woodies and swans. I even heard a robin and a red-winged black bird. But winter was good and this will probably be one of the last truly wintery images until December.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any ideas for improvement welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No


Lr for initial raw adjustment - traditional S-curve, some clarity & texture, a crop to 16x10 and some slight color grading to the mid-tones to bring up the chilly blue. Ps to remove some distractions and to work with the TK8 panel for some specific masking for brightness/contrast and levels adjustments.


This kind of scene makes me miss living in the Midwest. I really like how you keep everything bright here. With this kind of sky, I tend to make it looks kinda gloomy but I think this works really well. It offers me a different perspective for sure.

Thanks @Adhika_Lie - it’s snowing again now after several days of above freezing. It will be pretty when it’s done, but it won’t last. The morning I shot this frosty image it wasn’t gloomy at all. The sun was bright and trying to burn off the clouds and fog so I wanted to keep everything crisp and white.

And here I am thinking it was a rock :sweat_smile:

Wonderful image Kris. I too love the low contrast sky so that the eye is drawn straight to foreground shrubs and trees. This is well composed with a nice, relatively unobscured window leading to the main tree and larger shrubs filling the foreground to the right and left of the main tree. Very wintery image. Terrific detail too.

I think you meant the shadow picture, @Adhika_Lie :laughing:

Thanks @David_Haynes - I had a heck of a time in the field and in editing to get this arrangement. It’s basically a meadow that’s filling back in and in summer it’s chest-high with bushes and wildflowers. Very messy and there isn’t a ‘way in’ if you know what I mean. That left reinforcing the big tree and the smaller ones (mostly alder and birch). Glad you like it. More Wisconsin ‘spring’ coming up.

I love winter and your image is one of the reasons why. I think it’s just beautiful and the feeling of winter really comes across. No nits from me! :blush:

Thanks @Tom_Nevesely - we got lucky with some frost in these last couple of winters. It makes it much easier to take!