The Sea in Slow Motion

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I have always been intriqued by water in motion - idea being to show it artistically - this was photographed in the Lofoten Islands, Norway recently - cold but fortunately not so windy

Creative direction

I’d like to see other’s artistic take on this one

Specific Feedback

I am open to pretty much another’s point of view

Technical Details

0.4 secs


Went to the Lofoten islands in search of the auroras. Unfortunately it snowed all 7 days though the snow in itself was beautiful. Simply trying to make the best of the time there

Beautiful Photo … Love the waves over the rocks.

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Karl, this is so cool. I love the balance of the foreground wave and background mountains. Excellent composition. I also really like the B&W treatment.

My only suggestion would be to bring up the whites in the foreground and tone them down in the mountains. I realize the mountains are in direct sun and the water in shade, but the difference between the two is a bit jarring…just a thought.

Cheers, David

Wonderful tones Karl. I played with various crops that isolated the foreground, which is my favorite part, and I think you’ve got some great options there too.

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Thanks @David_Bostock - did try that - helps! In addition i found an image with more rocky foreground , which tends to layer the shades of grey better imo at least - had to do some blending though

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Bummer about the auroras, but this image is definitely a keeper Karl. Everything is wonderfully composed from front to back and I love the details in the wave action. I think you succeeded in trying to show water motion artistically. The B&W also works well and has a wide range of tones. Beautifully done IMO.