Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
This is one of the largest waterfalls in Israel (though the picture doesn’t show the scale) and the most popular one. I have wanted to get a good long exposure picture of it for many years but usually it is impossible. But in 2020 during the pandemic when I was stuck in Israel I finally got my chance and had the whole place to myself. I love doing long exposure but don’t have many opportunities in Israel. Most of the ones I have are from the US or canada. So I thought I would show one of the few I have from here.
Specific Feedback
Any and all is welcome but post processing is always my biggest challenge. I played quite a lot with the crop and the light. I wasn’t sure whether to crop out the little pointing rock at the bottom and I am not sure I was able to darken enough of the top as it was super bright and took the focus away from the waterfall.
Technical Details
Sony a6000, 24-70 tamron lens, iso 160, f/8 2 seconds. On a tripod and with shutter release.
I didn’t notice before that my logo covered the stone but it still seems from mark’s comment that it was a bit of distraction so I cropped a little of the bottom. Let me know if this is better or it is better to have the little stone arrow. I also darkened some more on top. Cloning in photoshop is more complicated and will take me some time to figure out how to do it. so for now I hope this improves things.