The unknown Visitor - updated

This little guy was in the same tree with all these hawk wasp flying around so maybe he was hiding. Very small so I got pretty close to him with my 90D 180 Macro. 1/60 f/11 iso 800 used a magmod and a diffuser on the flash. Used a tripod because he would just not move, I thought it was a leaf, maybe that was the idea. Should I have used a wider setting since he is pretty flat, I just realized this now. Have know idea what he is and I do not recall seeing this one before.

He is an interesting insect, and I sure am not familiar with him, Dean, so I can’t help with the ID. Wonderful details in the subject. It would have been nice if the BG was more oof, but I’m not sure working so closely with him if you could have opened the f-stop more and had the details you would want throughout him. The BG was probably just too close to the subject, and not much you could do about that. Hopefully someone can ID him for us.

Dean: Good solid capture of this guy. I would tame the BG a bit by cropping from the left side and adding a vignette to the corners. Nice find. >=))>


This is a netwinged beetle (family: Lycidae). They are very distasteful to predators and you can see the bite mark in the elytra done by a native bird or lizard. Very nice and sharp and Bill’s suggestion is worth trying. Well done…Jim

Hi Dean, nice detail on the beetle throughout, even the antennae. well done. I like Bill’s crop suggestion and I think selectively burning some of the brighter background vegetation could help as well.

Thanks Shirley, Bill, Jim, and Allen. I appiled some of the changes you suggested. This is not exactly 1:1 ratio but close, would a perfect 1:1 be idea here

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