The Veil

A supernova explosion 2400 light years away in the Cygnus loop created these remnants.
The star that exploded just 10,000 years ago was 20 times the size of our sun.
The colors are intense in this nebula, a lot of hydrogen (red) and Oxygen (blue).

11 hours of imaging in Bortle 2 sky in Prineville Oregon this past weekend.
asi294 camera with Williams 71gt telescope (678mm effective focal length)


Very cool, Dan. What a scene! I have a place in Prineville (actually, about 10 miles south toward the reservoir). Let me know if you ever want to do a meet up or, perhaps, need a place to stay. I would love to look through the lens with you some time.

Thanks Marylynne, I was at the reservoir for 4 days. I go a couple times a year, will let you know.

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Sheesh, this is incredible, Dan. The back story helps too. Wonderful image and a terrific celestial scene.

Wow! This is unreal!

So gorgeous and beautiful, Dan. Wow. Stunning. Inspirational.
I really like the composition too. It seems well balanced horizontally, and fills the frame nicely.

Dan, I guess the term “otherworldly” falls a bit short unless you could actually see this scene and or image. Amazing photograph way out of my wheelhouse. Your presentation here at least provides an old film guy like me a peek into the world of astro-photography… :sunglasses: