This Osprey was photograph on the Back Hall Reaver in Old Lyme, Ct., on July 27 at 7:56 AM from my new 9ft Zodiac. With my Parkinson’s the rowboat was getting a little unstable to photograph in. The Zodiac has a 1.5 hp Torqeedo electric outboard, that helps me get out of the marina with either the incoming or outgoing tide. This is one of the few time I have seen an Osprey return to the nest with out eating the fish’s head first.
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Shot with a Canon 7D II, Sigma 150-60mm, at F8, 600mm, 1/3200, 640 ISO, hand-held. I adjusted exposure +.18, midtones, shadows, contrast and noise reduction in DxO Phot Lab.
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Excellent detail and I really like the pose of the Osprey, Peter. You might want to consider adding a touch of light to the eye of the fish to give it a bit more presence.
I can see this image used for some fun and creative manipulation. that pose looks like a skateboarder or skier about to go into a jump or something-just add wheels to the fish!
Classical pose of Osprey with fish. Very well documented, love it ! Dennis’ suggestion may enhance the image, but it is great as presented ! Cheers, Hans
Hi Peter,
A fine image. I used Shadows & Highlights and bumped up the contrast and brightness slightly and the shadowed areas of the fish show up better. You may want to do the edits only on the bird and prey to avoid lightening up the sky. Awesome pose and will make a very nice photo for the wall. Well done…Jim
Thank you all for the comments. I used a local brush to bring up the eye, under sided of the Osprey, fish and the increased the expose by .35.
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Wonderful catch for you both! I’ve only occasionally seen one carrying a whole fish. (Why do they eat the head before bringing it home?) I like the brighter tonalities and the eye really pops now without looking unnatural. It fits the very intent pose.
That’s quite a fish! I bet it weighs more than the Osprey! An excellent opportunity and a good job of capturing the action, Peter! I like Jim’s adjustments although the lightness under the wings brings out the noise quite a bit. Your second version is a good compromise.
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