Together Forever

Hi Folks,
I haven’t been doing much macro or close-up work lately. This is small-scene/close-up-ish? I hope. I was struck by this knot of fine bullwhip kelp at Devil’s Punchbowl. I imagine wave action created it, but I suppose someone might have done it intentionally. I did not create it. I did my best, but it feels soft to me. Too soft? I’m not much for focus stacking, and this was shot at 7.1, so probably should have stopped down a bit more.

Specific Feedback Requested

Is this sharp enough? Too soft to work at all?

Does the composition work? Or is that potato looking rock and other stuff a deal-breaker?

Suggestions? I am open to any and all, including a response of “meh, so it’s a knot, who cares?”

Technical Details

5D3 with 24-105mm at 105 mm
ISO 160, f/7.1, at .3 sec

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That’s an interesting find, Marylynne. I wonder if it was done by waves, or if someone ahead of you might have made the knot? It is a bit soft. I think the focus might have been on the grass right in front of the knot. On a shot like this, I might would have used f11, because we aren’t worried about DOF since the rock is right behind the subject.

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Thanks @Shirley_Freeman . It felt soft to me too, but my “reading” vision is a bit challenged after a bout of COVID. I’m not sure why I didn’t stop down more.

It’s okay. It’s not bad soft at all. Some post processing sharping might even help. So sorry to hear that COVID did that to you. We have been blessed so far not to get sick. I have old eyes so I sure don’t need COVID making close up seeing worse! :grinning:

This is a really nice photo, Marylynne. I’m so sorry to hear about your vision problem after covid. That would be extremely hard for anyone, but one who loves photography it’s a big impact on getting subjects sharp. I hope your vision clears up over time! When I first looked at your image, I though the oranges & yellows were a little over saturated. After looking at it for a while, I thought maybe not, so I brought it into Photoshop and lowered the sat. on the oranges & yellows. Small change, but maybe better. You decide.

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Why don’t you cool down the white balance some more?

Thanks @Donna_Callais and @Eric_Bennett. I liked the warmth relative to the title I gave it, but I’ll play with color temp and saturation a bit. I see another rocking at the bottom edge just left of center too.

The knot is intriguing, and the composition you (or it) chose flows nicely, I think. The complementary green and gold are a plus. I tried to darken a lot of the rocks, as that seemed to put them into more of a supporting role. As supporting elements, if they are a little soft, who cares?

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Hi @Dick_Knudson,
I like this approach. It makes the knot glow more and stand out as a warm hug in a cold dark place.