This warbler has been hanging out near my house for the past 2 weeks. It has been rather shy and not very cooperative. Wish I had a better head turn. Hopefully there are more opportunities.
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iso 4000, 400 plus 2x, f6.3, 1250th, A7R4, 50% full frame
Looks pretty darn good to me, David. A slight head turn would be nice, but this is still a fine image.
This is a very nice image as is. Complimentary colors are excellent. The only thing I might do is bring up the shadows on and around the eye a bit. Just so we can see the catchlight a bit more. It is a really colorful bird and hopefully it sticks around for a while.
Hi David,
This is an excellent to have around the house during the Winter. Play with the saturation of the yellows wehich are on the edge of blowing out and like David Leroy stated, work on the contrast and blacks of the head region. The pose is fine and warblers rarely cooperate so I’d be very happy with this capture. Awesome find and Happy New Year…Jim
This is a very pleasing image. Getting these guys in the viewfinder is always a treat. I think your colors and saturation are right on point. The blacks are accurate as these birds don’t have jet black plumage around the eye. Everything looks accurate and very well represented.
Just wonderful…wouldn’t change a thing. It’s true that the eye doesn’t stand out much from the surrounding darker plumage and I’d be tempted to play around with that a bit…but at the end of the day, I wouldn’t be surprised if I just left it as is.