
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This image is of the shallow water at a quite isolated beach that we enjoy walking along. It is usually very tranquil with just the faint sound of small ripples moving along the seawater’s edge.
I took this shot to remind me of the peacefulness we can enjoy away from everyday noise that we so quickly become accustomed to in our everyday lives.
Hopefully this image conveys that feeling to others.

Specific Feedback

All feedback is welcome. My aim in posting this image is to create a strong feeling of tranquility. Does it work?

Technical Details

ISO 200, 1/160s, f3.2
D300, 105mm

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Phil, does it work? That’d be an understatement to say so. Maybe it’s because I grew up on the coast of northeast Brazil and am very familiar with the scene you captured here. Even before reading your description, the ocean vibes were clearly visible in your beautiful photo. I love the curves and color gradient as well as how smooth the water looks. Did you use any blur or other effects in your edit? Whatever you did works very well. This is a beautiful image.

Yes, lovely! Not so much peaceful as quiet, to me. Quiet meaning more peaceful than peaceful, if that makes sense. I love the graceful lines and the gradient from bottom to top, with the scene fading into the distance.

This conveys the mood you intended very well, Phil. I really like your composition and the way the soft colors work to convey the mood. Very well done.

Your intent for this image is conveyed well. I also like the transition from warm-ish to cool colors.

Phil, mission accomplished. This is a calming and quiet image. Great job with the framing. I really like the minimalist quality, the color gradient, and the lines.

Thanks for that. No blur, and no sharpening, just cropping and some increased saturation to bring out the depth of colour that I wanted. Cheers.

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@Diane_Miller, @Dennis_Plank, @Alfredo_Mora, and @DeanRoyer, thanks for your comments. Much appreciated. Cheers.