Tree In Fog, Arcadia Audubon Center

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

The isolated large tree with the irregular branching of the large and small branches contrasting with the soft, indistinct shapes of the distant trees and underbrush

Creative direction

The separation of the larger tree and its frenzied branching from the softer surroundings

Specific Feedback

Feedback on both the conceptual and technical aspects of the image. Was I successful in translating my vision?

Technical Details

Nikon D800E camera, Nikon 24-120 mm lens @ 48 mm, ISO 100, f11, 0,6 seconds a tripod


A magical foggy December day , an unusual event in Western Massachusetts.

Beautiful!! The fog brings out a lovely separation of FG and BG, with the wonderful tree shape set off so well against the path hinting at things beyond. Well seen and processed! I wouldn’t mind seeing more at the top, unless there was something distracting there.

Paul: I like how the FG tree is separated by it’s contrast with the BG and the overall proportion of main subject to BG. Well seen, captured and presented. >=))>

Paul, that foreground tree has an amazingly convoluted shape. It is set off nicely from the rest of the scene by the fog.

Thank you for your positive feedback. It was a magical day. Paul

Thank you for your positive feedback

I love the character of the main tree and the fog is absolutely magical, Paul. This has a bit of mystery to it with the path disappearing into the fog. I would say that you were successful with your vision. Beautifully done; no suggestions from me.

Well done, Paul! I agree with the others who commented here - and with @Diane_Miller that if there was a bit more of the tree to include at the top without other distracting elements, it would be nice to see that. Still, as is, the mood is well-expressed and the vision strong.

As I visualized the scene, I had the sense that I knew the top of the treevws there nd I didn’t want to dd some bright dead space on each side. Thanks for your suggestion.