Tricolored Heron Juvenile

This is an older file from Bayou Sauvage in east New Orleans. I have always enjoyed watching how these birds stalk by using a low profile. This is not very good I.Q., so I tried to help it out in post. What appealed to me was, although a higher angle on birds is normally not desirable, I think it actually helped, as there’s much more of the bird visible in the reflection. One of several frames, this one being with the least distortion of the head in the reflection. I played around in an effort to improve it in post. Slight crop from top.

E-3 Zuiko 300 F/2.8 +EC-14 on tripod, ISO 400 1/240 f/4 0.0EV

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What you pointed out is exactly what I was thinking upon looking at this. The unique reflection, i.e. being so different from the subject, makes the perspective really interesting. Made me stop and study it which IMO is one of the hallmarks of a good image.

That sharp reflection makes this for me Bill.

I like the reflection a lot, Bill. I can see why you wanted to process this one despite the slight softness in the subject. I think you did quite well and ended up with a fine image unless you go pixel peeping.

I like this a lot, Bill. The reflection really makes it. Worth saving.

Hi Bill, the wonderful reflection makes this a keeper for me.

Nice shot Bill and indeed a good angle for the reflection!