Tufted Titmouse

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Took this Titmouse in my favorite feeding station at f8, 1,640 sec., ISO 800. Feel as though my photographic skill has finally turned a corner. The helpful comments on this site allowed me to see the relationship with camera ISO, Aperture and speed settings. Believe the “noise” problem on my photos has been solved.

Very nice pose in a great setting.

Thanks Allen, These birds move very quickly but they feed on the suitt and seed feeder. They land on the wood limbs to clean their beaks.

A really cool perch and excellent detail in the Titmouse, Wayne. The light is a bit harsh in this image. If you’re shooting in bright sun, it usually works best if you can find a position where the sun comes directly over your shoulder to the subject, thus minimizing shadow and giving the scene a more even and controllable light.
A very nice image.

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John, I love the composition and perch of this one, with the bird turning his head slightly toward you. Very pleasing shot. As you mentioned already, you have a bit of noise, but you may be able to remove some of that through post production. Certainly a shot worth saving. I agree with Dennis about the harsher light. Still an nice shot.

Hi John
The only thing you can do about the lighting, is find a place to set-up before the birds start to land. I always ask the birds to set-up in the proper lighting and wait for to get ready but most of the time you only get to shot what is there. This is a nice photograph. When you are focusing on a bird with a branch in the for-ground try to use a single point of focus on birds head. The branch looks sharper then the Titmouse.

Thanks to Dennis and Shirley. I’ve reduced some noise with Lightroom, removed the shadow under the beak and toned down the harsh white. Thanks for the suggestions.

Thanks Peter, I appreciate the helpful hints. I spent about six hours today in my tent and tried to focus on the head rather than foreground or branch. My hope is to get some action shots.

Hi John:

I think you have a nice image. Nice placement in the frame and some good suggestions. You’ve done about all you can with the slightly harsh light. The noise in the background even after noise reduction in LightRoom is pretty evident. Here’s a quick version of that copy of the image with one very quick use of Topaz Denoise AI. Take a look at the difference in the noise pattern in the background. I think you’ll see a significant difference.

Thanks Keith, Really appreciate your time given to my post. Yes, your version looks so much better and I will look into the Topaz Denoise Software. I’ve experienced , as you can see, difficulty trying to balance subject clarity/ background noise in Lightroom.
Thanks again