Tulip abstract

100 mm Canon Macro lens, f 2.8, hand held, 1/90 sec, ISO 100

Comments and suggestions appreciated.

Tony, an interesting concept, but, to me, there just isn;t enough here to hold my interest or for my eyes to focus on, sorry.

Tony: I like the concept and if you could get a touch more definition on the petal edges I think it would be even better.>=))>

Sandy, thank you so much for your comments. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate honest critiques. You made my day! Bill, thank you for your suggestion.

I like the shapes and the differing tonality in the yellows, Tony. The slightly darker areas in the lower corners play with my eyes. This is certainly abstract in that there is no texture, just color masses, which is far different than most of us involved in nature photography are accustomed to. I do find a lot to look at here, but like Sandy and Bill, I find myself hungering for one little in-focus feature that anchors the composition.

All that said, I’ve spent more time looking at this image than most.

It may be my myopic eyes but… I do like this image a lot, for the lack of focus and vagueness of contours - but at the same time, the shades of yellow and the shape conveys the right impression, at least to me… But I understand it is possibly a bit “extreme”…