USM -- Unintentional Subject Movement

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was on a tripod at the bird feeders when a hummer parked on a branch. Action was slow elsewhere so I went for him. I was on silent shutter (electronic shutter, 20 fps), and he decided to leave while I was still shooting the usual short burst. Dumb luck.

Specific Feedback

All comments welcome!

Technical Details

Screenshot 2024-06-16 at 7.29.53 AM

Nothing done in LR. In PS, noise reduction and slight saturation. Removed the perch, which he had just cleared. Cropped a little bottom and sides. The top of the frame is what you see here – I could play with adding a bit more canvas there, in which case I would leave more on the left.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

kinda cool! It would be nice to have a sharper eye, but he did not cooperate!
Since my main goal is always flying birds, I’m almost always parked at a 2500 SS or more. I’d rather deal with a corresponding higher ISO than a missed shot.

Cool image, Diane. I can’t quite read the shutter speed in the spec clip, but I remember accidentally shooting a hummingbird at 1/50th years ago when it was on a flower-amazingly the head was sharp. I want their image stabilization system.

Thanks, @SandyR-B and @Dennis_Plank! The SS is hard to read – wonder if I can make that capture bigger? It was 1/90 sec, wide open at f/13. It was a foggy morning, which is the only practical way to get soft light around here. Before the sun clears the trees to the east there is very little action, and after sunset the light just isn’t the same, at least at this location. I should experiment with other feeder locations.

Sandy, I’d love to be at a faster SS but ISO 3200 is about my limit for fine feather detail. Um, lemme see, 1/2500/sec is about 5 more stops – that would be ISO 102,400. I’d need a newer camera body!

Diane, such a cool image! I don’t often see many “ICM” shots of wildlife . The motion pairs so well with the quickness of hummingbirds. I know it’s difficult enough to photograph them at super high shutter sppeds and even more at lower speeds like this. I do like the overall composition but wish the top of the wings was not clipped. Overall, nicely done Diane!