I went out to the botanical garden to practice some single shot flower photography. Sometimes we see something unexpected. There was a breeze so I could not focus very close on this small insect.
Specific Feedback Requested
Trying to shoot as wide as possible but get the DOF to cover the subject and keep the background soft. I should have tried a longer lens than what I had. Comments welcome.
Hi Dean, I looked closely all over but could not make out any insect. On the other hand, it’s a nice head shot of the flower. DOF is pretty good with some of the interior blurred. It’s tough to balance getting detail in a flower and softening a background at the same time. The background whites tend to pull my eyes away from the flower, but not much you can do about that. I guess focus stacking would be a solution getting the whole flower sharp.
I can’t find it either unless it’s the dark spot on one of the stamens. The rumpled paper look to the petals is so nice - distinctive. Subjects like this benefit from stacking if you have the time and inclination, but the softness is nice. You have some interesting bits in focus. I don’t know how much choice you had to set up, but a darker background overall would benefit. Cute little thing!
Thanks for the feed, @Jim_Lockhart and @Kris_Smith. I did a 100% view and cropped the little guy on the flower. I did see him move because as close as I was, still was not sure. Upper Left area.
Wow, he really is tiny! The only thing I see that could be an insect is on the upper right, hanging on to one of the anthers; looks like something with legs anyway. Thanks for sharing!