Vestiges of Fall #2 + Rework

REWORK (deal with that branch poking out from the left side of the v tree - cooled, lightened it)


This is from the same area as my last “Vestiges” post, but the light was different. The first one I posted was on a slope in deep shade, while this one had a bit of sun back lighting the scene. That’s what caught my eye here - the relatively subtle light and the way it was bouncing around the trees.

Specific Feedback Requested

So, compositionally this could be considered “challenging”, with that v-shaped tree in the foreground. Interested in what you all think of that.

Processing-wise, I did the usual dodging/burning/cropping. And then, after reading Kris’ excellent lesson on the use of the Orton effect, I tried that. It made quite a difference in the quality of the light (made it a bit more ethereal) and depth. As I said, I’d never used the OE before, so any comments about it’s use here are welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
a7r3, 105mm, f/8, 1/80s, ISO 400.


I love everything about this except for one thing. The branch at about 11 o’clock to the left of the lower part of the V distracts me from the V’s leading to the orange bush - for my eye it sort of gets in the way and could be toned down. Beautiful atmosphere and colours!

Very nice! The V is fine for me as the prominent element, with the other stuff framed behind it. It looks like a fine pen and ink drawing! Fascinating light!!!

I have yet to try that effect but need to soon.

I love the image you have created here Bonnie! It has a very painterly effect that I find very appealing. The limited colour palette is the icing on the cake.

After seeing this image, I too will check out the OE.

Just an more than amazing image !! A bit experiment, love it .

This works very well, Bonnie. There is a lot going on but your comp comes together nicely. The effect and kind of high key presentation are very effective.

My first impression is that of a collage - it has disparate elements that seem disconnected at first, but then there’s a theme, as if you chose different parts from different pictures and combined them. What an eye you have.

I think it looks good here - it compresses some of the tonalities and simplifies a complex image so that we linger and explore. At least it does that for me.

Thank you, @Mike_Friel, @glennie, @Kris_Smith, @Ben_van_der_Sande, @Harley_Goldman, and @Diane_Miller for your thoughts and appreciation.

Good catch, Mike. Now that you pointed that out, I can’t unsee it. I think it looks odd because it has a warmer tone than the main tree. I cooled it off and brightened it a touch, and that is definitely an improvement. Thanks!

That’s a good description, Kris. That foreground tree feels like it is pasted on the background scene. That visual oddness caught my eye.

Exactly. In the past I would have reduced clarity to simplify some of the “messy” little branches. In this case, though, the OE worked better.


I love the arrangement of lines in this composition and the various shades of black and gray punctuated by splashes of yellow. It’s really striking.

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I like this image very much. You have an eye for pattern not just in line but in light and shadow as is most dramatically demonstrated in this picture. For me the “v” of the foreground tree is not a hindrance but is rather what holds the image together. It’s very fractal - there are "v"s throughout the image constantly repeating and reflecting back, which is what is so compelling about this.
P.S. - you have used the Orton Effect well here to add a touch of “ethereal glow”. Too often it is used in a very heavy handed way. When I use it, if at all, I generally filter it through a midtone mask and then paint it in selectively.

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Thanks, @Liz_Enslin and @Kerry_Gordon.

Kerry, that’s what I was hoping would work.

I can’t add much to the above Bonnie. This is masterful and a true joy to explore.

Oh my. This is wonderful. I like the lighter touch to this image. I probably would have desaturated the gold bush on the left and not made it stand out so much. But I think your point is to make it stand out so you probably won’t agree. For me, the bottom of the V and the light behind it are the main focus of the image. There is a wonderful airy sense to this image that comes from the gentle light.

@Igor_Doncov, thanks. I did want the gold bush to stand out a bit, to balance the elements in the frame. At least that’s what I thought it would do.

It was picked by the editors so I must be wrong.