So great that the Weekly theme coincided with being in the Upper Peninsula (Michigan) and having a waterfall day in the workshop. The day wasn’t so great cloud-wise and it had been really dry for a while and many of the falls were at really low flow. Taken Thursday June 17.
But…Wagner falls was by far the nicest one I saw and had the best light (cloudy, but a little filtered sun). It’s just off the road and has only a short hike ending in a viewing platform that I automatically ignored and went under it to stand in the water. Gotta love Gore-Tex boots.
Specific Feedback Requested
General impressions and improvement suggestions welcome.
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Lumix G9
Lumix G Vario 12-35mm f/2.8 lens @ 12mm
f/14 | 1.6 sec. | ISO 100
Tripod & polarizing filter
Lr processed for general exposure, white & black points, lens correction & sharpening. Local adjustment brush in the white water to bring up texture, in the trees on the left to bring up shadows and in the water in the LRC to pull down the exposure. Ps for some clone stamping & content aware fill to remove some distracting elements. No cropping.