Wahclella Falls Before the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire

I have posted several images of this falls in the Landscape Critique Gallery. This is another image taken from a different camera position. I have incorporated some of the suggestions from those images into this one. This was taken in July 2016 but the human set fire was in 2017. This is in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon.

iso 50, 17-35 mm at 24 mm, f6.3, 1/6 second, tripod, D750, ACR 10.5, Topaz Adjust, TK sharpening action at 1%.

Nicely done, David. Looks like a site that could provide a variety of perspectives too. I do like this horizontal view as well.
Do you think a polarizer might have been an additional option to dampen down the highlights slightly maybe? Just a thought…:sunglasses:

Yes, I realize a polarizer would have been a good idea. And I admit I wasn’t prepared when I went on this hike.

The variety of greens are terrific, David. I also like your placement of the boulder and the falls. The splash and mist are a fine extra.

Wonderful greens to compliment this lovely view of Wahclella Falls, David.

This looks like a very pleasant little spot to visit, David. The colorful moss really adds to the scene. The larger version has much more presence (puts you right there). I’m sure enjoying these larger posting sizes just for that reason!