Walls of sunshine

Many will recognize this as Dead Horse Point State Park in Utah. My wife and I went there for some early morning photography. We loved being there but the sunrise was lackluster at best and the other folks taking pictures packed up and left. We pretty much had the place to ourselves - too late and gray for sunrise shots and too early for the typical tourist. We had the camera set up on a tripod and were sipping a cup of coffee enjoying being there. After all, that is really what it is all about anyway for us. All of a sudden the clouds parted slightly and allowed the sun to highlight the canyon walls. This lasted about 30 seconds after which everything went back to “normal” - either all gray or where everything is sunny and shadowed.

Specific Feedback Requested

First timer here. Any and all feedback welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Sony A7r iii
Sony 24-70 lens @ 47mm
ISO 100, 1/15 Sec, f/11
Minimal processing in Capture One

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Welcome aboard, Kelly. Stunning look at Dead Horse, one of the best I have seen. Rich colors, great depth and a fine sky. Great first post. Looking forward to seeing more of your work and reading your thoughts on the work of others.

Welcome to NPN Kelly, this is an excellent first post !!! I look forward to seeing more of your work .

The light may have been fleeting, but it is gorgeous in this image. I’m glad that you stuck it out, this image was worth the wait. The haze in the scene was your friend, it adds a nice soft feeling to the image. Bot the composition and processing look really well done. I’m really enjoying this image as presented, really nice work here.

Wow, this is fantastic, Kelly. Welcome to NPN. What a killer first post. Can’t wait to see more of your work. Well done.

Agree with the others as to neatness of this shot. Sometimes we get lucky; other times we are prepared for the luck as it seems you were when the sun broke through the overcast skies. Welcome to NPN. I’m a bit of a newbie myself but what you’ll find here is a great group of folks who will guide when needed or asked, or simple admire and comment as such. You’ll have fun.

Welcome, Kelly! Good for you to be prepared when the light hit – you got a wonderful and unique image. I think an option would be to crop out about half the sky. It’s pleasant enough but the bottom half of it is enough to show the lighting and lets me keep wandering around in the layers of the landscape.

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Thanks everyone for the input. It looks like NPN is a group of talented, knowledgeable people dedicated to the art of photography. I’m looking forward to being part of the “club”.

Thanks @Diane_Miller for the sky suggestion. I tried it and I like it!

Good suggestion Diane, I also think the crop helps to keep the viewers eye focused on all the goodness in the landscape below.