Wash Day

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


On the mountain’s side, flannel flowers catch the sun, much like sheets catching a breeze on wash day. Their white petals glow against the gray stone, fresh and bright. It’s a simple, everyday kind of beauty, as natural as laundry hanging in the morning light. The flowers and the rock together, they’ve got their own way of saying even up here, life finds a way to be just like home.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome.

Technical Details

18 mm at ISO 100 and 1⁄800sec at ƒ/10

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This is a very unique take on this plant and flowers. The sky adds a lot to the scene and brings out those flowers nicely. I might try to pull some details out of the shadows (try Luminosity Masking) and would remove or darken the red brown area where diagonal portion of the rock meets the lower rh corner. That spot grabbed my eye and is an easy fix as well. Lighting on the flowers is awesome and you made a very enjoyable image to examine. Well done…Jim

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I really like the overal composition of this image Saundie. It is clean and simple and refreshing.

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Thanks Ed! :+1:

Thanks for the feedback Jim. Will take a look making those fixes in the next day or so. Appreciate you comment! :pray:

Don: Wonderful find and light and a terrific comp and capture. I like all the varying stages of the flowers especially. Marvelous image.>=))>

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Thanks Bill! :pray:
