
Hi everyone.

So near Braga at the north of Portugal there’s a sanctuary called “Senhora da Abadia” (Lady of the abbey). This sanctuary is located near some waterfall and river on the border of the Gerês natural Park, one of the most beautifull parks of the country.

This image was talking on one of my visits there.
Hope you all enjoy.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Any but mainly exposure time and processing.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

The composition looked the most pleasing to me but give me your thoughts.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

35mm, ISO 50, f/11, 1.3s
Polariser and 3stop ND filter.

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You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

A very nice peaceful waterfall scene Joao. When shooting these long exposure shots I usually shoot a second shot at a higher ISO to freeze some of the foliage then blend them together. Also, I might try and recover some of the highlights from the waterfall.

Hi @Blake_Randall thanks.

After processing the image I thought that could speed up the shutter a bit and freeze the water a bit (give it a more energetic mood). But never thought of it to freeze the foliage, good tip there.
I’ll have to return there soon.

Thanks for the feedback.
João Ferrão


What a beautiful location and scene. Just lovely!

Great tip from Blake about getting some of the vegetation without so much movement. At the same time you can use other frames and different shutter speeds if you need/want to blend in more texture/detail in the water. And while I love silky water, there’s always that decision about which shutter speed works best depending on what you’re trying to say. In this case here, I think I would prefer a little more texture; at least in the areas that are just white with no detail at all. Not a big deal with this image really since the flow of the cascade kind fits the overall gentleness of the location. And like has been commented on @John_Moses 's “Thundering Fury” image post, showing power with a fast shutter speed was right for that image. Your image isn’t about the power of the water, but the beauty and grace - so a longer ss is perfectly appropriate here.

The only other suggestion would be to clone out the stick/branch in the URC. Not a big deal, but a slight distraction.

Color and processing look great to me.


Hey @Lon_Overacker.

First of all thanks. I’ll try to clone out that branch and upload a new version. And I’ll try to go there on the next cloudy day and come back with some new versions. I have shooted some HDR attempts so I can try to get a bit more detail on those areas.

Thanks again for the feedback.
João Ferrão

Hi Joao. This is a very nice shot. Your processing looks good to me. I agree with Lon’s and Blake’s suggestions. I don’t know if this is possible but I would love to see what this image would look like if you were a couple steps to the right to try and capture the continuous flow of water.

Hey @John_Moses and thanks.
It will not be easy to get more to the right as there wasn’t a lot of space, also I shot this with a small travel tripod and couldn’t frame over some trees on the side of the river. Next time I’ll try with a full height (and new ahah) tripod.

Thanks again.
João Ferrão