There are two entrances to the “Maryland chute” of Great Falls on the Potomac. Those waters meet here below a small island and generate lots of spray. I enjoy chasing the rainbow that appears in that mist. Here are two views, one with very little solid ground and the second where I intentionally include the rocks on the east side for motion contrast. (7D2, 100-400, 1/10 s, f/18, iso 100, tripod, polarizer and 4 stop ND filter)
Both show the amazing power of the water, Mark, but I must agree, I prefer the first one. The rock on the right side of the second one doesn’t add much, at least for me. Keep chasing those rainbows, they are gorgeous.
Hi Mark,
I love the motion in the foreground water.
I played around with just pulling a little bit of yellow out by shifting the white balance around/desaturating a little with various radial gradients. It just gives it a little bit different look.
It’s fun capturing these little small scenes like this.
Wow Mark. That’s an intimate of a scene a long way away. I much prefer the 400mm first capture. I like your choice of shutter speed but would like to see something at around 1/5 or 1/2 a second for comparison. I wonder if it would look for frothy with a slightly softer look to the white, foamy water being churned up. In any event, a nice rainbow capture for sure. Looks like sherbet Ice Cream with all the pastels!
Another vote for the first one Mark. The first image has a nice abstract feeling to it, which I prefer. The second image with the rock tells a better story about sense of place, but I prefer the simpler look of the first image.