
Canon 7DMKII; 100/400 at 188; 9.0; 1/4000th; 400 iso; aperture-priority AE; spot; WB auto; converted to B/W in Elements 12.

Powerful image. Works great as a black & white. Mother nature is amazing!

Beautiful wave action and nice light to boot.

Awesome, Jim. I love the wave for itself, but the way it works with the slope behind it is even better.

Great photo winter on the coast is fun. Love the backlighting which gives great contrast for a black and white.

Power and majesty brought to us by the light. Especially well seen, timed and captured. I can hear the thunder and even feel it.

Jim, the wave action is quite dramatic. The misty background glow in the sky adds well to the drama of the breaking wave.

Nice…very powerful image!
I like how the wave seems to be climbing up the ridgeline of the mountain.