Wave 2

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any

Any pertinent technical details: 7DII; 70/200 @ 125; spot; 1/500th; 400 ISO; Daylight; handheld.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

This is an amazing image. The detail you captured at the split second needed to get that wave at its peak, the surrounding waves, the perfect lighting, the backdrop… and I could keep on going. Printing this image is a must.

A wave flower!! Beautiful.

Patricia and Harley, Thank you for your nice comments.

Holy mackerel, Jim. That’s some weird looking wave! Great timing.


Spectacular capture, Jim. Processing and framing look great to me. looks real sharp - I’m surprised 1/500 was fast enough.

Wow! The proverbial “decisive moment”!

Pretty interesting. A stylized wave. It does look like a flower.

Awesome capture and excellent editing, Jim. I really appreciate the contrast you’ve created between the water and the background landform. Love how we can see just a bit of detail in the sky. Otherworldly, my friend.

Jim, all I can say is Wow !!! While the wave flower is great, it is some of the little touches here that really make me appreciate this image a lot. I love how you have framed the "flower: with “surf waterfalls on both sides”, and that little bit of spray coming off the back of the “flower” adds even more vitality to this image.

To all: Thank you. I usually have a place where I take photos at this location but another photographer was there so I found another. Fortunately, it allowed this view of the wave. Reminded me to always look around and find different perspectives (like turning around at sunrise or sunset).


Phenomenal capture! Unique would be an understatement.

No mention of processing here and no mention of the dark background yet. Now the dark rocks do open up a bit in the larger view giving the viewer some context. Looks like the light was diffused so the dynamic range should have been pretty tame. There’s no issue really, just curious if the processing was done to darken the bg a little. Whatever the answer is, the elegant and unique wave is beautifully presented against that background.

Great job!


Great timing, Jim!
All the best, Ingrid.

Jim, Wow! What a great capture. Your timing was perfect, really interesting light and a great composition. Very nice work! Glad I saw this!!

Nick, Thank you. Much appreciated.