This image is a part of a personal photographic project trying to emphasize waving lines with the panning technique in different lighting situations, with different emotional responses, in this case calmness.
Specific Feedback Requested
I had a hard time with dodging and burning because the natural light hits the sea surface in a random way which in conjunction with the moving water makes it difficult to have control over the overall outcome in terms of desired tonal control. Please do tell me from your personal experience or expertise if the general outcome is personally satisfying and suggest if you will, anything in terms of shooting, framing, and post-proccesing that might improve the project’s goal. Thank you in advance.
Technical Details
Sony A6400, sel 18-135
1/13 at f/14, ISO 200, 135mm Handheld
Post proccesed with Photoshop
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This is a very interesting image Nick and a good opportunity to discuss the emotional articulation of calmness, versus what we perceive in an image from our own creative standpoint.
What are the attributes of calm? Stillness? Spaciousness? Sinuous lines? Windless?
All of those work as synonyms. Is this image Still and spacious?
Not really. It is energetic, flowing, fast and the splash is quite dynamic. It is very easy for us, sat by a rushing river, listening to the flow of water and the gentle splashed to fee calm, but is the image calm?
I think two things work against this one feeling calm. The splash, and the pano crop. Compressing the scene into an elongated composition emphasises the rushing flow from right to left. It feels dynamic. The blue tone helps to subdue that.
Now, if you called this image Equanimity, then I’d be on board. The splash is where it is, alone in a rushing river of energy. It is in itself.
I’m not sure that’s what you wanted to hear, but I feel I owe you an honest critique and I am reading these things from the frame as it is presented. Hope that helps.
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Thank you very much for your critique. Your thoughts are very insightful! Much appreciated!
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Thanks Nick, I appreciate that feedback…
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