Nice look at the peewee. I usually see these up in the trees, but you seem to have gotten an eye level shot. Nice perch. The crop works. The background is not distracting, but still conveys a sense of the bird’s environment.
Very cool. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen one of these little guys, just have heard tons of them up in the canopy. Nice look and floofy feathers. You might use a radial filter to brighten the eye area just a touch if you want. Crop looks good and the background is subdued, but not uniformly bland. It looks a trifle magenta in cast on my MacBook.
Beautiful background and excellent detail in the bird, Ed. I’m thinking you might be able to bring the darker areas of the bird up just a bit. I can’t recall what software you’re using, but if it includes LR, just carefully selecting the body area with the local adjustment brush and bringing up the shadows a tiny bit would probably do the trick. Sometimes, I’ll do a second pass on just the face and raise the exposure there a trifle.
Nice one Ed. Nice look at this interesting bird with a pleasing BG. Crop looks good. Brightening the feathers just a tad might be something to try but I don’t think much is needed.
Thank you for your comments and recommendations on this @Allen_Brooks, @Kris_Smith, @Dennis_Plank and @Allen_Sparks. I use PS Elements which has some limitations, but does pretty well overall. I went into the Adjust Color/Adjust Hue/Magentas and reduced Saturation by 8% and Lightened Saturation 8%. Then I selected the area around the eye and the side/tail, went into Lighting/Levels and reduced the darkness, and then went into Shadows and lifted them by 9%. I’m surprised I don’t see any lines that show where the changes were made, but it shows on the edited version of the bird overall. Thank you for your help.
Nice job on the edit, Ed. I haven’t used elements in so long that it’s capabilities are essentially unknown to me these days. I tried using it a couple of trips ago and it was so unlike PS that I was lost.
I’m such a dinosaur when it comes to new technology. I guess one of these days I’m going to have to break down and get PS and Lightroom and TK9 and all of the new toys.
Very nice image and excellent improvement with the edits!! It’s such a lovely image, I’d suggest a tiny bit more top and left would make those branches less crowded in the frame. Nice cleanup job – I don’t see any hints of pruning.
Thank you @SandyR-B and @Diane_Miller. I will go back and see if I can give this a bit more room on top and the left side. I just know how much work I put into cleaning up the twigs and such. I do have extra space in those areas, just lazy right now about going back to do it again.
No need to redo tedious cloning – you can add canvas with the content-aware option and it may give a clean edge. Maybe you need to clone out some piece of the ends of the sticks it might throw in. It’s always good to check it carefully in any case as it’s rarely perfect. Doing 2-3 small increments can work if a bigger one doesn’t.