Wet Redbud leaves #1

I’ve been posting high magnification views of the redbud leaves in my backyard in macro for a couple of weeks. It’s been a long, cool, rainy spring here with both the redbud flowers and young leaves looking very attractive for 3 weeks. Then, when I listed the next week’s challenge (this challenge) on Friday morning, we had experienced heavy rains overnight, so I went out to see what “things” looked like. Here’s one view of the young, wet Redbud leaves. This is a 10 shot stack at nearly life size magnification. (5D3, 180mm macro L, 1/60 s, f/16, iso 800, tripod)

What technical feedback would you like if any?

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Mark, I really am enjoying this one. I love raindrops with refractions, but they aren’t easy to get. I may have to break down and try the stacking, because you obtained wonderful detail in the droplets. I love how the lighting is coming from behind the leaves, and making the drops and veins show up nicely. Maybe because of the raindrops, but I believe this is your best redbud leaf shots yet. Great job! :+1: :+1:

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Hi Mark,

The results of your stack look good. The lighting is excellent. Well done…Jim

Great detail, raindrops and colors. This one works really well for me. I might burn the brighter OOF spots below the branch and near the edge, but minor stuff. Looks really nice.

Mark: What Shirley said! Got a nice :scream:meter spike from this one. Many kudos. >=))>

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Beautiful, Mark. I love the lighting on the leaves and the drops are great. The lower and upper left corners of the background feel a bit distracting, but easily fixed.

This is just gorgeous Mark. Beautifully done.

Amazing! It’s amazing how beautiful water droplets can look.

Excellent post for this week’s challenge. Did you happen to get any images of the buds?

Wow! Great composition, detail, light, and bokeh. I’ve tried to capture images like this if they appear during a grand landscape photo shoot, but it’s tough. Even with a tripod it seems like detail is always lost due to a breeze or the composition isn’t right for some reason. Nice work.

@Michael_Lowe, there’s a wet bloom shot from several days earlier here. After this rain event there were very few flowers left on the trees.

I really like this, Mark! Great detail in both leaves and raindrops. I can see where the stacking paid off in this. Like Shirley, I haven’t tried that yet but I can see it’s something I need to learn. The only nit I have in this is the odd, almost gray background smear in the upper left corner. It pulls my eyes every time I look at the image. Probably wouldn’t be too difficult to clone that out with some of the darker green from other parts of that corner.