White Pocket

This was my first time at this location and my first time shooting with the intent on making it a black and white photo.

Specific Feedback Requested

Is this a good picture for Black and White. Does it work with this composition?

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Hi Joseph, this works quite well as a B&W. Fantastic really. The light and shadows work very well together. Looks like an eye in the center. Very cool. I can tell this was a longer exposure. My only thought of change would be to have a touch more of the sky included. There’s mystery in the sky and I want to see more.

Excellent B&W work, Joseph.

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This has an eerie look to it and I think it’s due to the sky. The sky has much to do with it but the lighting and the shapes all add to the atmosphere. You didn’t post any information about this image but there must have been a long exposure to get that kind of sky. It took a bit of time to see the pool of water in this image because there is no color to give it away and it reflects the rocks. However, the reflection is very sharp so that part of the image must’ve been shot at a much faster speed than the sky?

Now that I look at it longer it all looks like an alligator’s eye and head. Was that intentional?

I was definitely trying to go more of an eye shape in the middle to give it a more of a dark feel. As far as how I shot it. I would have to look up my settings to see.

You came away with a great composition here. I like the placement of the reflection in the pothole and it works having it basically dead center. Overall I really like your composition and the black and white treatment fits the subject well. In the large version I’m seeing some banding in the sky. This may just be due to jpeg compression, but it’s worth double checking your master file to make sure that there isn’t any visible banding. On the bright side, the banding is creating all sorts of interesting contours that mimic the crazy contours in the landscape! :laughing:

Thank you so much for the feedbavk

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This looks like a horny toad lizard or at least some sort of reptile. That eye is amazing. This is perfect for a black and white because of the tonal variation. For some reason, I couldn’t open up this file large. Maybe because this file is so massive. I don’t think I’ve even seen a file this large on NPN. Almost 10,000 on the long side. Phew. I’m sure that’s why it wouldn’t open immediately. At any rate, I love all of the texture and bumps, bright spots and dark spots, curving lines and straight lines and of course those long exposure clouds. I even like the black hill in the URC which adds a bit of mystery to this scene. I love it.

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Weird I thought I shrunk it. It kept telling me I couldn’t use it so I shrunk it or so I thought.

I think this is very good for black and white, and I like the centered reflection composition.

I worry that the reflection, which is my favorite part of the image, is facing too much composition from the bright rock (mostly above and to the left). It might be worth darkening that area a little to let the eye stand out more: