Who or What Am I ?

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Just a bit whimsical here on this image. Not sure any Yeti’s, Sasquatch, or Abominable Snowmen venture down to DVNP on the playa areas but this was huge. I wear a 12 wide and it was dwarfed inside this boot like casting…

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Wista DXIII 4x5 - Schneider APO 150mm lens - Fuji 50 QL.

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Hi Paul, first of all, glad you made it back safely unharmed :grin:. Amazing when otherwise insignificant details become so fascinating once captured, so nice catch on spotting this one. I had fun exploring all the nooks and crannies in here, and the detail is even better when viewing the enlargement. Your composition angled the print to the left and conveys a sense of movement to me.

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Amazing and wonderful!! Probably a fossil from a long-extinct unknown species – undoubtedly an intelligent one whose culture had figured out how to make good hiking boots. Probably nomadic.

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Paul, this sure does look like a boot print. It might actually be one… If the print was made in wet mud, it will be larger than normal from the squishing action and its edges can expand as the ground ages and dries. It can also be fully natural, with discovering the difference being one of the challenges in tracking. It’s a neat find, with the details in the mud and the multiple sizes of cracks looking very good. Surely there’s a “Yeti in the desert” web site that would be interested…

Interesting Photograph !!! have you tried it in black and white. great photo either way !!!

Hi Paul,

What a great find and what a great shot of it! :slight_smile:

When I look at this really close, it looks like rock, maybe shale? (It’s only what it appears to be).

It also resembles by the bottom of my brother’s tire tread flip flops. :slight_smile:

@Bonnie_Lampley @Jim_Lockhart @Diane_Miller @Mark_Seaver @Gill_Vanderlip @Merv
Thank you each for taking time to review and comment on this image. It was a fun find in one of the mud playa areas in DVNP.
@Gill_Vanderlip I’ll need to try B&W when I have some time.
@Merv …LOL. as a teen I had a pair of Huarache Sandals I bought in Tijuana Mexico that had tire treads as the soles. My mother hated them as they left skid marks on our kitchen floor. Oh to be 13 again… :laughing:

Ha! That seriously had me laughing out loud :laughing:
That’s the reason I never had a pair myself, our mom got upset with my brother about those tire marks on her kitchen floor. :slight_smile: I didn’t want her mad at me too. :roll_eyes:
Guess that’s the reason those flip flops aren’t available anymore.

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