Wild Geranium

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Hiking in some pretty heavy tree cover I found this beauty lite by a tiny beam of light for a short time. Also had to wait for the wind to abate.

Technical Details

Canon 80D, 28-75mm macro, iso 1600, f/9 at 1/320 second.

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What a beauty you came upon, Carl. The light, color palette, and composition are very pleasing. I like how the light filters from left to right through the flower. That stem on the left leads us right into the flower. My only suggestion would be to burn the bright stem to the right of the flower including the junction with the leaves. I think that making that junction more muted (as the others below it) would make the composition stronger and less distracting on that side of the image. Again, this is a beautiful image. It was definitely worth waiting for the wind to calm down to capture this photo.

Gorgeous, with wonderful light on the flower and a lovely BG! I agree with @Egídio about burning down that segment of stem, and also the bright detail on the left. My eye wants to see more of the cluster of buds on the right – to have them contained in the frame and come to an end before the edge. If you might have another frame that included them (or if this was a crop) that might be possible. Otherwise, they could also be burned down a little. They are very pretty but that’s the problem – the compete with the flower and pull my eye out of the frame.

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Carl: I love working in dappled light conditions like this and think you did really well. Taming the aforementioned hot spots would help but the star of this show is the marvelous backlighting which you carried off superbly. Top notch shot. >=))>

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