Wild Iris + RP

A new version:

And the original:

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Found on my trip down the eastern Sierra a couple of weeks ago. There is an area of spring fed bog where these grow – just inside the fence of a huge cattle pasture. They were all pretty ratty looking and difficult to get into position through the fence. And I was going nuts hearing Meadowlarks sing and desperately wanted to photograph one, so I didn’t have much patience with the Iris. I should have persisted as the Meadowlarks taunted me but never came close. I didn’t see the fly until I opened it in the computer – I was too busy trying to compose handheld in an awkward position. Luck got it in focus.

Specific Feedback

All comments welcome!

Technical Details

Screen Shot 2023-07-21 at 8.22.18 PM

Handheld. Minimal adjustments in LR (Shadows, Highlights and Clarity), then into PS for some BG cleanup. Crop on the sides and added a small bit of canvas top and bottom.


Hi Diane,
that looks really beautiful. What a nice composition, the colors are great. And the fly is a great detail.

The left side of the image is slightly too busy in my opinion. I tried to draw a little more attention to the beautiful flower:

I just darkened some parts and blurred the stems on the left of the frame.

As an alternative, I tried a different crop:

But you did a really good job photographing this flower through a fence.

Did you catch the lark at the end?

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Nice find despite the challenges and the jerky meadowlarks. :laughing:

I like the composition, but also Jens’s edit with your first composition/crop to make the bg a bit less prominent. It is so hard to get a group of these balanced and you did it, even with a fence. The fly is just great. Super sharp and totally photobombing, but in a good way.

The color is so different from the eastern versions I’ve seen; more delicate and pastel. It’s an interesting adaptation that must serve…something.

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Diane, it was worth the time and effort. Such a pretty color, and that fly, he just topped it off. That is nature. Nice and sharp too. I like what @Jens_Ober did in both his edits, and not sure but I think I like the cropped one. Excellent shot, especially under the circumstances, and HH at that.

Thanks, @Jens_Ober, @Kris_Smith and @Shirley_Freeman! I tried toning down the bud on the left but it didn’t work well, so I just cropped it off. I think it’s an improvement. Thanks for the nudge!

RP above.

Yes, I like it better, Diane. All the attention now belongs to the beautiful Iris.