Wind Craft

Tracking the weather I decided to head to Death Valley on the spur of the moment for a couple of nights last week. The clouds did not disappoint but it took considerable effort to find some trackless dunes even entering through an unmarked access point. I debated how much contrast to add to this image, not wanting to lose the softness of the scene. This seemed like a reasonable compromise.

5DSr, 24-105 f/4, Two image focus stack.


Beautiful scene, Dave. You got some great light to match with the stormy sky. No nits here, a most enjoyable image.

A wonderful take from the dunes here, David. I really like the wind provided small sand trails behind the brush. That is a super featured of the scene IMO…:+1:

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Dave: Marvelous light. A fine capture and a really nice rendering. Most excellent. >=))>

I want to go to there. Very nice image - good job from hopping on the weather through to how you rendered the file.

What a freakin cool scene - musta been very exciting to witness! The shrubs nestled in the cove are just great. To my eye, the image is about the contrast of the sunlit sand dune under cloudy skies offering both luminance and color contrast. However, it seems to me that the brightness of the sky is competing for the dominant sunlit sand dune in the mid ground. The color contrast alone supports the primary subject/element. Not sure I’m articulating this well, but the brightness of the sky (secondary element) detracts rather than supports the overall image. So, if it were me, I’d be tempted to de-emphasize the brightness of the sky a good bit. That would create a bit more of a cohesive scene for me. Just my 2cents.

Beautiful, Dave. The light on the dunes is gorgeous, and compositionally this works very nicely.

I see where Jim I coming from regarding the sky. I think if you dealt with the two bright areas: the one om the left, and the one in URC that would help.

Otherwise, this is a wonderful shot.

Beautiful grand landscape taken under exceptional light conditions. No nit from me. Just sit back and enjoy.

Dave, I think the processing is great, I would not touch the contrast at all you nailed it. And I think the cooler colors in the sky and shadow areas look great. In terms of processing, you did a great job showing this beautiful light at its fullest potential. I do agree with @Jim_McGovern about the brightness in the clouds. While I think burning down the 'hotter" spots would help the image as presented, I also think something like this crop is an interesting possibility as well.

Outstanding. Love the color palette and comp. I guess I’m the turtle on the fence post. I don’t think the clouds detract from the image, but I also like @Ed_McGuirk’s crop. Couldn’t go wrong with either one IMHO.

I prefer the uncropped, but might tone down the white in the very URC.

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@Harley_Goldman, @Paul_Breitkreuz, @Bill_Fach, @Jim_Oker, @Jim_McGovern, @Preston_Birdwell, @Ed_McGuirk, @Michael_Lowe, @Igor_Doncov, Thanks for the comments and suggestions. Interesting that you can think a file has been “optimized” only to receive some very helpful NPN suggestions on how to improve!

Dave, the brightness of the dunes shows them off well against the darker background and sky. The contrast looks good to me. This is a beauty as presented.

Beautiful Dave! Photography is mostly all about the light, and you’ve caught some gorgeous light! The design and comp work beautifully as well. I’m torn about the clouds up top, but other than burning down a couple areas that have been pointed out, I think it all works well together.

No other nits or suggestions - just a beauty to enjoy.


@Dave_Dillemuth I like Ed’s take on the sky here and think it does add softness to the image - makes for a more serene scene (a very beautiful and well shot scene that is)

However I have a nit :frowning: (I’m so sorry). Although I like the idea of the black lines sweeping into the scene, they were the first thing I saw and now I can’t tale my eyes off them. I don’t have an issue with them being there, but they clash with the rest of the scene which is quite serene. I would condsider dodging just the black lines slightly. I think It would fit better with the rest of the processing.

This may be a personal thing, but I wouldn’t crop the top of the mountain off (sorry Ed). You have put the lower left diagonal in the corner and I would think of doing something similar in the top left. Keeps the flow better in my opinion.

Other than that, it’s a really superb shot!!! Nicely done :slight_smile:

Really beautiful and worth a hike to find trackless dunes, which seems harder to find with every year. I like the soft feel of this, and the colors are wonderful. The little plants on the dune add interest. I prefer the original to the cropped version.