Winter Sunset at Seaside Oregon

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


One of the most colorful skies I remember, and I probably packed up my gear bit too early as the end of the golden hour was pretty amazing as well while we were walking towards the dinner place.

Specific Feedback

Anything is welcome, but not looking anything specific.

Technical Details

This is exposure blend of 2 images to get more dynamic range.
1/5s and 1/20s exposures
ISO 64
16mm (16-35mm f/4 Nikon F lens)

Ended up with sqaure crop as the sides did not add too much to the photo.

1 Like

Kasperi, you’ve captured some beautiful sunset colors in this image, which are nicely reflected in the tidal pools and wet sand. The scattered clouds really add some interest to the sky and I think the square crop was a good decision.

Very nice Kasperi. I can see why it is a favorite. I always really enjoy finding all the inlets and sand patterns on a beach, and if you can get a great sky reflected in them, even better.

Thanks @Jim_Lockhart and @Cameron_Wilcox.

And could have added to details that I cloned/removed few people out of the image, I couldn’t believe how empty the beach was for sunset like this, but it was Sunday in January. Never been on that spot during summer months, but my understanding is it would be packed.

Kasperi: In the summer it would indeed be packed. That’s one of the reasons I love to go to the Oregon coast in the off season. Of course in January seeing any sun at all is the exception but you took full advantage of a wonderful moment. Top notch shot! >=))>

Thanks Bill :slight_smile:

Kasperi. This has such nice colors. I like the square crop as it seems to add a lot of depth here. The dark clouds add some drama, but the reflected oranges are amazing. Nice work.

Thanks Ed for sharing your thoughts!