I really like this Vanessa. It’s abstract yet still identifiable. I think the contrast is fine as is, but it might be interesting to try @linda_mellor’s suggestion.
This is a great patternshot Vanessa, I love the surreal look that you got with the reflections. and i also like the distribution of green leaves that helps to create a secondary pattern as well. Very creative seeing on your part.
I too agree with @linda_mellor about adding some contrast (and luminosity) it would give this image more pop, and take a good image up another notch. I looked at your histogram, and you have lots of empty space to the right, so it should easily take some added contrast without looking overdone.
I would move the white point a bit to the right rather than the contrast suggested. I think the darks are fine as is. I think you have a nice design here.
Thank you all @linda_mellor@Harley_Goldman@David_Bostock@Ed_McGuirk@Igor_Doncov for your feedback. I really want to try all of your suggestions and see what it will look like, hopefully I’ll have time on my next day off! Thank you so much for looking and your interest, I really appreciate it!
This is beautiful Vanessa.
I sure love the pattern you get here.
I second the more light/contrast approach. I would also try to remove some of that magenta cast.
The repost is much better Vanessa. I think it really needed that luminosity bump. Terrific pattern distribution of the leaves. I’m rather enjoying this one.