Normally, the out of focus foreground elements would turn me off a bit, Allen, but I think they work very well with this image. My eye tends to go past them and concentrate on the bird and when I let my attention step back the add a rather pleasing element to the composition. I would look at bringing down the highlights on the breast and throat a bit.
Hi Allen, nice warm color palette as you state, I also think the composition works with the foreground sticks adding a point of interest. Pleasing BG and a nice pose.
A really nice image! I like all the branches framing the bird- something other than a completely-clean view. Nice pose and wonderful colours, and that smooth BG is excellent.
Very cute. The branches bring some excitement to the photo, as if he’s sitting behind a screen. Remove these branches and you’re left with a rather boring photo of an - albeit beautiful - bird. So: great setting, very nice composition and photo!
Grt, Ingrid.