Young red fox

These foxes are living under an old abandoned house. The lighting was difficult, heavy shadows with areas of bright sunlight. Was using my car as a blind, with lens resting on window, engine off. Would a different exposure setting help?

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Overall composition

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Canon R, 100-400mm 4.5/5.6L + 1.4xIII. 1/500 @ F-10 ISO 1600. auto WB

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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I think your composition is fine. the light in the back is difficult and I assume you’ve tried toning it down in post. You probably could have gotten away with a wider aperture and still got both pups in focus. It woudn’t have helped with the brightness but would have blurred it more. Opening it up would allow a lower ISO. Then set the exposure with the shutter speed that would underexpose the foxes and bring the brights more under control. With a lower ISO, you’d be able to bring up the shadows without causing too much noise.

If you know where they are, try getting out there when it’s overcast so the light is more even. Or on a bright day, set up where you can wait for them to move into the light or find an angle without the light in the back. It’s great to maybe have a chance at them again.

Thank you for your comments Terri. I am not sure if I will try these foxes again as one approached my car as if it expected food. They are very close to a road.

John Tobias

You certainly have a good setting and great subject, but difficult lighting. Whenever background is brighter than the subject, it’s a problem for photographer.
You may try to tone down the BG by burning the bright areas. You can try to reduce the blacks too, if you like.


Thank you for your comments. I will see what I can do with the back ground light.
