Zelenci at spring (Slovenia)

I posted similar shot here from this place but now I got the sunstar in better spot. Want to know your thoughts on the composition and processing. Thanks!

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ig @gregorjericphoto


This is a breathtaking image Gregor! The light is just perfect IMHO. The colors are fully saturated but not overly saturated, your chosen composition is very nice, and I like the sunstar (I don’t always like sunstars). The only negative I can see is very minor, in the there is a slight halo in the trees on the right and on the mountain peak. I downloaded and tried to repair that. It’s not very objectionable at this size but if you print this large it would be.



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The colors and lines in this image are delicious. You presented us with glowing light transmitted through the tall brown rushes, green (zelenci) grass and willows. Well done. Thank you for taking us to this magic place.
With all that glow to enjoy, I find the star intrusive … it demands to be the center of attention, and I feel the light and textures in the rest of the image suffer a bit from the competition. Otherwise, a masterful image.

Absolutely exquisite image! It is magical. My totally subjective suggestion would be to darken slightly the highlights around the starburst. It’s fabulous as is though.

Beautiful composition and wonderful light. All the leading lines lead to the sunstar, which is the climax of the image. I agree that darkening around the star would make it more spectacular. I also agree that this would have been great with or without the sunstar. Great job.


Simply stunning! While the sunstar may indeed be powerful, I always like to see the connection between the source and destination of the light. That’s grandly apparent here.

I can’t believe Mr. @Bill_Chambers spotted any haloing! Great catch Bill. I never would have noticed.

Here’s a a minor nitpick. I’m wishing the waterline on the right was continuous - not cut off on the lower right edge. Emphasize minor nitpick, but an observation I wanted to not.

This is a glorious landscape image.


Wow, this is one of those images that makes me feel like I am standing right there in the middle of this gorgeous location. Excellent composition and processing, I wouldn’t change anything about it.
Thank you for sharing this with us, it is a spectacular image !!!

Stunning, Gregor, no issues from me.

Nice insight here Lon, it makes me appreciate this image even more.

This is very nice Gregor.
Beautiful light and what a nice composition.

Thanks everyone for commenting and all your kind words!

I was also afraid that it is too saturated but remembering being there at this moment the colors and everything was so vivid that it was hard even to look at it :slight_smile:
Halo on the peak was made by sloppy dodging and around trees its because of too heavy web sharpening. Thanks for noticing that!

@Tony_Siciliano @Igor_Doncov
I also think now it was a bit too light so I addressed that with lights luminosity mask and bringing it down with curves.

Yeah this also bothers me a bit that waters flows out but the river actually splits here so it is what it is :slight_smile:

It was quite a show while it lasted for about 5 minutes

Uploading a slightly tweaked version.

Hi Gregor - I am really enjoying your tweaked version. I especially love the golden light on the grasses.

I also enjoy the final tweaked version, I agreed on the highlights around the sunstar being a bit too bright. Other than that, beautiful processing with a lovely glow. Like @Eva_McDermott, I really like the light on the grasses!