Hi everyone, here’s a shot with 3 species of large macaw, (Red and Green, Scarlet and Blue and Gold) taken this summer in the Tambopota Amazonian region of Peru.
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Canon 5D4 500F4 1/640 F7.1, iso 1250, Gitzo Tripod, Wimberley Head.
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A very colorful array, Nate. Nice to get eye contact from one of each species and the variety of poses really shows off the plumages. An excellent environmental image.
Oh wow, Nate, is a nice environmental image of these Macaws. Very colorful.
Great look at these birds. Love the colors.
Incredible shot, interesting species… Mission completed ? Cheers, Hans
Hi Nate,
Nice hat-trick of species. No nits from me. Well done…Jim
Splendid capture of these colorful species, Nate. I really like the environment at the clay lick and how you have framed the scene. I also find the slightly different poses very attractive.