A Big Step

I often go to regional wildlife refuges near my home close to the Chesapeake Bay. In August, we often see egrets congregating in the tidal ponds and hanging out in nearby trees. Here a Snowy Egret moves between dead branches. Recently I have been experimenting with B&W and high key images trying to give a more dramatic feel to the photo.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback, but particularly how to improve B&W and high key wildlife images.

Technical Details

ISO 250, 234mm, f 5, 1/2000 sec. processed in Lightroom.

The black and white works well, Bill, and I love the stepping pose with the concentration on where to place that foot. It does look as if some of the whites on the egret are blown.

Hi Bill, the high key looks good to me and the shadows on the bird stand out well in this black and white. And the bird contrasts nicely with the branches. Nice pose even though I wonder if I would like the image even more with a better look at the eye.

The high key/B&W look works well. I like the stepping pose and the perch. I wonder if more detail could be brought out in some of the white areas.

Dennis, thank you for the feedback. Yes, I was concerned about blowing out the whites as this shot was intentionally overexposed for a side-lit subject. I will try to correct more in post. Thank you, Bill

Allen, thank you. Yes, I remember waiting a while to see if I could get a better angle for the eyes, but this turned out to be the best of the series with the step. Thanks, Bill

Allen, Thank you, - yes I need more work on the white areas. I appreciate your feedback. thanks, Bill