Minimalist attempt with the smaller trees in the foreground. Wonderfully foggy, snowy day up in the mountains east of my home. I played with many different crops and settled on this one. Interested in your reaction to the scene and the image.
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Keith, my reaction is “I’m cold” looking at this beautiful scene. I feel like I am right there. The fog is a real bonus in this nice small snowy scene. I like the slope of the hill, and the little trees in front are taller on the low in of the slope, while the get shorter on the high end. Very nice.
This is a very successful minimalist scene with a really nice dreamy atmosphere! I also like the crop you chose and the amount of negative space on the left.
Very well done.
This is wonderful and would make a lovely Xmas card IMO. Your attempt at minimalism works rather well and I love the atmospherics with the fog and the way the BG trees just seem to fade away. Your crop works well and I like your placement of all the elements in the winter wonderland. No suggestions from me as I like this as is.
Gorgeous image, Keith, and I like the crop a lot. Living in Florida, I’m unfamiliar with the effect snow has on an image, nor can I tell if there was still snow in the air in this, but upon a closer look at the larger image it seems a little on the noisy side or perhaps not quite sharp enough. That might strictly be because of atmospheric conditions, but because of that I tend to actually prefer the smaller image of it. Your composition is particularly strong with the diagonal line mid frame and the vastly different BG tones.
Thanks for your comment Bill. There was very little snow falling at the time, but there was reasonably dense fog which is what I think you are referring to. It does tend to look a little bit grainy when shooting through fog and accentuated by a little snow as well. Fun stuff!
I find this a very striking image Keith. I like the image split an a diagonal line with the frosted pines breaking that diagonal line. The soft focus created by the falling snow adds a nice atmosphere overall. Well done.