I started back through my old picture files expecting to get well into the past to find something that might fit this week’s theme, but ran into this view from last December of ice collected near the base of the cascade between my backyard ponds. When I saw this I was struck by the sense that I was looking over the shoulder at someone (or something vaguely human). (5D3, 180 mm macro L, 1/25 s, f/18, iso 200, tripod)
It does look like it! I like the image, too. Very mammal looking.
great image and easy to see what I think looks like a frame from one of the Terminator films.
Beautiful lead-off for this Challenge, Mark. I feel like I’m looking at “The Thinker” from behind.
Very cool Mark! Great entry. Lot’s of inferences… The Terminator series, or any of the Super Hero, sci-fi flicks, and yes, even the “Thinker.”
Wow, Mark, this is really cool (or should I say cold). It does look like I am looking over the shoulder of a human. Very nice. I am just amazed at the colors, lines and shapes in this.
Wow, Mark, I love this image. The black background adds greatly to the impact. The overlapping patterns along the curved form on the left side are really nice and the details in the center right are very interesting and a nice contrast from the smoothness elsewhere. I really don’t mind the foreground being out of focus although I think it could be cropped from the bottom to reduce some of it with care to avoid getting too close to the bottom of the left side curved form.
And I see what you mean about the figurative form. Very interesting!!
I love this. I also see the creature in the Terminator film…looking over its left shoulder. What a mean face. Great title!
Mark: Hmmm, not sure I would want to come upon this creature in the dark unless I was carrying a flame thrower. Well seen and beautifully composed and presented. >=))>
Really great image Mark. I can definitely see the shoulder, but also muscles and tendons. Amazing detail, colors and composition. The black back ground helps to make the whole image pop, at least for me. Nice work.
I’m with Bill! This definitely looks like an over-the-shoulder view, but my first reaction was “Alien”! the glassy texture is cool, and it definitely has an eye and a mouth.
WOW, this one is really nice, Mark. Someone mentioned a Terminator film. Although I never saw any I did see some trailers and I think it was actor Robert Patrick who goes through a Moulton Transition as it were. Regardless, the angle of view is stunning for the overall profile impression…
You definitely have an alien on your hands here, Mark! The shoulder and neck are clearly humanoid but the head and face do look like something from a Terminator movie! I love the shiny facets on the face and the interesting textures on the back of the head. Perfect for the challenge and a unique photo!