A day at the park

I did try a lot with photoshop and TK 8 to make this image as it is now.

Specific Feedback Requested

I am so curious about your opinion .

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Is this a composite: No

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Vibrant, ethereal, calming.

The first and last adjectives may seem counterintuitive, but they work for me.

Your imagery regularly steps over the line from pedestrian photography to art. It shows the delicate use of modern techniques to forge a memorable image, but the artifacts of those techniques aren’t garishly evident in the outcome.

Well done.

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I like this image except for one thing - the fog is green. But if you don’t take things literally and allow yourself more freedom than I like it very much. The light is a bit strong in the lrc for it to be in the corner but that’s really minor.

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I like the vibrant green, and going from the near darkness to that further away vibrance. The fog adds to the beauty of this scene.

Really nice. I disagree with Igor a little. My experience in areas with heavy foliage such as this, is that the fog tends to pick up the predominant color. and add a nice glow. :vulcan_salute:

@paul_g_wiegman , @Mark_Muller , @Igor_Doncov , @Michael_Lowe , My intention was to make the rather dull Raw more lively. And yes there was some green in the fog. Maybe I made it a bit too green. I am glad you all liked it.
I also was curious to the reactions on NPN. I don’t see this kind of editing here often.

It is indeed quite green, but it doesn’t feel unreal to me. Very atmospheric. Perhaps it could have used a bit more space on the left where the light is coming in. Or maybe just more light in the LLC.

I like the intentional added color, but it feels like it maybe feels a bit too intentional. I think the green looks good, but it seems like it maybe needs a bit of contrast with another color for balance. Here I pulled some green out of the shadows to let a more complementary red color come through a bit.

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Really lovely image, Ben and I love how @Tony_Kuyper processed it. It really seems to bring out the trees and the fog even more. Very nice composition and great seeing!

@Bonnie_Lampley ,Bonnie first of all congratulations with your recognition at natural landscape photography awards ! :grinning: And thank you for your more and more valued comments !


@Tony_Kuyper , Tony thank you for your time( and TK8). I like your rework, although to me it’s now a bit blue? .
I should choose for somewhere in the middle between your rework and my original . To me it’s the beauty of postprocessing that one always can put his own feeling in an image.
With this image I was trying something different. Maybe a bit less realistic .And to see how it would be received here on NPN.
Thank’s again !!

@Vanessa_Hill ,Vanessa, thank you so much for your nice comment !

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I think you achieved that. I like the original over the rework.

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