The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I had just arrived the day before in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. This was the beginning of my safari experience, and I was on the lookout for any wildlife to photograph. This tinny little frog was sunbathing on a lily pad in the gardens of the Victoria Hotel. How exciting the first wildlife in Africa. Well, maybe not quite. I think I had already photographed some butterflies.
Specific Feedback
This was tightly cropped. Any thoughts would be appreciated since this had to be enlarged in Topaz Gigapixel.
Technical Details
It was taken with a Cannon Powershot in jpg. Exposure information is unavailable.
Because of the low resolution after cropping, I opened the photo in Topas Gigapixel and enlarged it 4 times. It was then processed in PS using TK9 filters.
A really cool looking frog, Barbara. You have a nice composition and your processing method worked pretty well to keep some good detail in the image. Nicely done.
I think I’d call this a “leopard frog”! It is very striking. A lower viewpoint would have revealed the eye more, but you certainly recovered good detail, and the composition on the leaf is good, though you could crop some off the top. Hope you saw other interesting creatures on your trip.
Thanks, Mike, for your observations. I was afraid to crop any tighter, but I guess I have the resolution to allow it. This was the beginning of a safari and a return to Rwanda, where I was born. It was undoubtedly the trip of a lifetime.
How cute!! You (and the software) did a good job salvaging this from a JPEG! I think the crop is good, making the frog look small and cute. The details in the lily pad add interest and give it a good base.
Barbara, this is a very dramatic looking frog. I also like the trail of water behind it and the variety of greens in the pads that it’s sitting on. When I look at the largest view, I see some artifacts from the pixel count increase (uprezzing), especially in the middle of it’s back and along the top edge. This should look good if you show it on lower resolution screens or smaller sizes, but I wouldn’t recommend a tighter crop.
I appreciate your feedback @Mark_Seaver , I don’t know what to look for in the way of artifacts, but I take your word for it. This is not a picture that I would try to do anything more with it. @Dennis_Plank and @Diane_Miller, your observations are encouraging, thank you.